Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Questionnaire for everyone.

James Lipton, one of the greatest interviewers in the English language, uses a questionnaire at the end of all of his interviews on his program Inside the Actors Studio. He uses the same questionnaire that Bernard Pivot used on his show Bouillons de Culture. This Questionnaire was inspired by the answers to a much longer questionnaire given by author Marcel Proust.
I am influenced by James Lipton, but have decided not to use the same questionnaire. The questionnaire I have decided to use is one of my own creation.

What event from your childhood had the most impact on you?
What person aside from a family member changed your childhood most?
When did you realize you had become an adult?
What is the greatest joke you've ever heard?
What do you think the public views as your greatest accomplishment?
What do you view as your greatest achievement?
What is the greatest challenge you've overcome?

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