Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No backing. No agenda. No chance in hell.

Here's the idea; I'm going to track down and contact some of the biggest stars in the world for the purpose of an interview. I have no journalistic background, no formal training, no financial backing, and I also have a full time job that will absorb my time and slow the process. What's the point? To prove that I can accomplish it. I may not receive a response from all, or for that matter any of them, but I think that with enough dogged determination, sincere intention, and a huge heap of luck I can get them all.

Cutting to the chase, here's the dream list in no particular order;

James Lipton
Jeremy Clarkson
Danny Elfman
Joss Whedon
Robert Redford
Viggo Mortensen
Jay Leno
Jeff Bridges
Peter Jackson
Anna Paquin
Elijah Wood
Kurt Loder
David Letterman
William Hurt
James Hetfield
William Shatner
Christian Bale
Dave Grohl
Henry Rollins
John Stewart
Neil Gaiman
Russell T. Davies
Jon Favreau
Ryan Seacrest
Sir Richard Branson
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Maya Angelou
Sam Shepard
Anthony Michael Hall
Paul Simon
Dan Abnet
David Byrne
Aaron Williams
Randall Munroe
Joan Jett

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